The loss of kinder angels
I suppose this should not come as anything new. I have been angry when I have felt myself, or someone (something) I had hopes in be discarded and devalued. But in recent years due to political reasons the hurt and heartbreak have hit me harder than usual.
I had gotten angry about an actress departing a show being unjustly treated and devalued. I have seen a show get reimagined because I believed the people in charge put their own egos over the hopes of the fans gathered together. But the landscape of the country I call home I feel has gotten darker, more evil. And I see family and friends marching into that darkness, and I can say nothing as I feel that voice will be unheeded at best. Dismissed entirely at worst.
But seeing the climate of politics nowadays....I always felt we were supposed to be a kinder and more tolerant nation. That we always stood as a beacon of hope and love against the darkness that looked to destroy our nation and its people. Now it seems like that kinder and more tolerant nation is something family and friends I know want no part of.
The voice of heroes I grew up with go unheeded. The late Stan Lee who always tried to give us heroes in his world of comics is unheard compared to the voice of Bill Maher who is sad comic book fans are alive and thinks we should all read 'Big boy books' and 'grow up'. Gene Rodenberry whose vision of a United Federation of Planets based on the ideal of Infinite Diversity through Infinite Combinations is replaced with Donald Trump's 'Great America' where his select followers are granted power, and anyone who disagrees is vilified and must be discredited. Where one faith is to be entirely persecuted for the action of a few-and that few must define the whole so there is an enemy to hate sacrificing their love in the process. Where the kind voice of Mr. Rodgers is replaced with the shrill voice of Janine Pirro, or preachy voice of Sean Hannity who affirm the beliefs of their select followers, and demonize any disagreement. In one case, haul it off to a cell in cuffs.
I have seen faith used as a tool to reaffirm superiority, and used as a basis to pass judgement on those not of their faith and to punish all of that faith for the sins of the other. Where the love, empathy, kindness and understanding that is the cornerstones of their respective faith be discarded for the power they believe the faith offers. Neither realizing, nor caring, about the personal costs their choices will lead.
They are focused on a wall they believe will only keep undesirables out not realizing it can also keep citizens in making them prisoners in their own nation. They seek to affirm their faith as an alpha faith not realizing they may face the possibility that they may serve as a thought police for any dissent. Some may believe this will not happen, but it can happen if enough wish it.
And they will not think they are doing anything wrong. They will believe they will be resurrecting a 'great nation' and that the ends will justify the means. Will they be disappointed if/when the nation does not come out the way they want?
Will they recognize the personal cost for the 'greatness' they pursue? Will they even care?
I don't know. All I can do is mourn a loss of discarded kindness, and look on in heartbreak at the actions of family and friends.
I had gotten angry about an actress departing a show being unjustly treated and devalued. I have seen a show get reimagined because I believed the people in charge put their own egos over the hopes of the fans gathered together. But the landscape of the country I call home I feel has gotten darker, more evil. And I see family and friends marching into that darkness, and I can say nothing as I feel that voice will be unheeded at best. Dismissed entirely at worst.
But seeing the climate of politics nowadays....I always felt we were supposed to be a kinder and more tolerant nation. That we always stood as a beacon of hope and love against the darkness that looked to destroy our nation and its people. Now it seems like that kinder and more tolerant nation is something family and friends I know want no part of.
The voice of heroes I grew up with go unheeded. The late Stan Lee who always tried to give us heroes in his world of comics is unheard compared to the voice of Bill Maher who is sad comic book fans are alive and thinks we should all read 'Big boy books' and 'grow up'. Gene Rodenberry whose vision of a United Federation of Planets based on the ideal of Infinite Diversity through Infinite Combinations is replaced with Donald Trump's 'Great America' where his select followers are granted power, and anyone who disagrees is vilified and must be discredited. Where one faith is to be entirely persecuted for the action of a few-and that few must define the whole so there is an enemy to hate sacrificing their love in the process. Where the kind voice of Mr. Rodgers is replaced with the shrill voice of Janine Pirro, or preachy voice of Sean Hannity who affirm the beliefs of their select followers, and demonize any disagreement. In one case, haul it off to a cell in cuffs.
I have seen faith used as a tool to reaffirm superiority, and used as a basis to pass judgement on those not of their faith and to punish all of that faith for the sins of the other. Where the love, empathy, kindness and understanding that is the cornerstones of their respective faith be discarded for the power they believe the faith offers. Neither realizing, nor caring, about the personal costs their choices will lead.
They are focused on a wall they believe will only keep undesirables out not realizing it can also keep citizens in making them prisoners in their own nation. They seek to affirm their faith as an alpha faith not realizing they may face the possibility that they may serve as a thought police for any dissent. Some may believe this will not happen, but it can happen if enough wish it.
And they will not think they are doing anything wrong. They will believe they will be resurrecting a 'great nation' and that the ends will justify the means. Will they be disappointed if/when the nation does not come out the way they want?
Will they recognize the personal cost for the 'greatness' they pursue? Will they even care?
I don't know. All I can do is mourn a loss of discarded kindness, and look on in heartbreak at the actions of family and friends.
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