Battlestar Galactica: The Final Duty
Galactica notes: Battlestar Galactica: The Final Duty Opener: A believer in a world of disbelievers. Does not hold to conventional wisdoms. Believes we came from ‘out there’. Story: Act 1: Galactica and rag tag fleet are relics put to pasture. New ships and defenses arise under the banner of Uri. Decadent, self-absorbed. Only Sire Box remembers what people were, and wrong paths taken to get there. One warrior gets into Nomen fights. Friend has to cut in when it gets too viscous. Friend is Captain Adama. Warrior is Wan-a high flier known for taking foolish risks. Another is Adelia a female hot shot pilot that flies circles around them. Commander Jonah and his son Adama look through the old Adama journals for insight and wisdom. Jonah thinks of his father Box (ridiculed as Old Box...